I started seeing Dave through a classmate of mine who was in such great shape. Then I saw a “before” picture of him and was shocked at his transformation. I asked him how he got into such great shape and he told me about David’s website “Get on Track Fitness”. I was so impressed by all the people who David had transformed and knew then that I had to make an appointment with him. This was one of the best appointments I have ever made!
I thought I was relatively healthy at 5’7″ and 125 pounds, which was my normal weight for most of my adult life. I ate healthy, or so I thought, by being a vegetarian. I worked out daily for at least an hour and a half to two hours, a combination of cardio (mostly) and weight training. I could not understand why I was working out so hard and not seeing any gains. Right before I started seeing David, I was barely eating 1100 calories a day and GANING weight. I could not see any changes in my body from weight training, and I was struggling just to stay at 125.
Then I saw David, and what amazing changes took place in a relatively short period of time. I was shocked at my first visit that I had 42%. body fat. How could that be – I was a vegetarian working out two hours every day. Thankfully, David showed me the errors of my way not just with words or worthless information but results that SHOWED! He also switched my diet from vegetarian to chicken, salmon, fish, turkey (still no red meat – by my choice), and that’s when the body fat really started to come off drastically.
I am so happy with my appearance now and the amazing changes that have taken place in my body. With David’s guidance and support, I went from being (and I quote David here) a “skinny fat” to a healthy and lean 16% body fat at the age of 47. I am so thankful to David for showing me the right way to achieve the body I want, and look forward to a healthy and lean body forever! Thanks David!