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I had been overweight my entire life, as an adult and as a child. Sporadically over the years, I tried to lose weight, with varying degrees of success and no ability to maintain. Finally, through a friend, I came to David DiPasquale and “Get on Track Fitness” & Nutrition Studio.
Through his plan of nutrition and exercise, I have succeeded in losing, to date, 112 pounds. The variety of food available on the program, as well as the quantity, has made it easy to follow and maintain. I also have the energy to keep up a regular exercise schedule, something I would never be able to do in the past.
The rewards have been wonderful. The physical changes are obvious to me in my routine day-to-day activities. My friends are constantly remarking on the change in my appearance. My social life has improved dramatically. Psychologically, having been able to effect this change has bolstered my self-confidence and improved my self-image.
I can honestly say that David has had one of the most profound impacts of anyone in my life.

George B.

I am on my second round of diet and fitness training with Dr. Dave, and can you blame me? Look at me after the birth of my first baby. I could not slim down and shape up in my thirties, like I was able to do in my twenties, so I went to Dr. Dave for some help. In just 3 short months, I lost over 30 pounds of total fat weight and reduced my body fat by 50%. Now that I have had my second baby, I am back with Dr. Dave and have almost accomplished my goals again. Thanks Dr. Dave for not only producing such wonderful results, but for teaching me a whole new way of life.

Cheryl B.

I began working with David DiPasquale four years ago. Following years of inactivity and careless eating habits, my weight has climbed to 200 lbs; my body fat was 44%; I was on blood pressure medicine; and I generally felt badly. David immediately reassured me that I could get my weight down, get the blood pressure under control without medication, and feel better in the process.
David gave me a complete nutritional and physical evaluation to determine where I needed to be. I began the diet and nutritional supplements immediately as well as weight training three times a week. This was a radical change for this couch potato!
Within one year, my weight was down to 135 lbs.; my body fat was 21%, I was able to discontinue the blood pressure medicine, I had a high energy level, and best of all, the range of motion comparable of a 30 year old (I am 60)! Presently, weight training sessions (which I love!) are five days a week and I have added massage to my routine. I still need David’s support to keep my discipline up, and I plan to continue to work with him.

Sharon W.

I gave myself the most wonderful Birthday present last June, I “Got on Track” with David DiPasquale ” Doctor Dave”.
After years of running and aerobics, I had completely lost all motivation. I was 20lbs overweight, had a hiatal hernia, a stiff neck and felt very depressed. David helped me with my motivation problem. David did a complete nutrition and fitness evaluation on me. The results showed that my body fat was very high and that my nutrition plan was very deficient and repetitive which was causing me to feel bad as well as my appearance. I received a printed custom nutrition plan with a great variety of foods and suggested supplements. I also did weight training with David 2 to 3 times per week. I have lost 20 lbs and 17% of ugly body fat, my stiff neck is much better, my hiatal hernia disappeared and I am happy and energetic. I owe my new, improved lifestyle to David’s “Get on Track” Nutrition and Fitness Program and his expertise !

Tammy C.

Before becoming a personal trainer, I was at the lowest point of my life weighing in at 260 lbs and at 39% body fat. I took the initiative to take control of my weight and hired a certified personal trainer who educated me on the components of nutrition and the daily measuring and monitoring of my food intake and exercise routine using the Get On Track fitness and nutrition program. I no longer had to guess at what it took to take the weight off. The Get On Track system is a simple and complete program for anyone to follow. The log book includes nutrition information, food composition, exercise illustrations, basically all the components needed for an easy and successful weight loss program. Five months later I was weighing at 160 lbs and at a proud 11% body fat.
My transformation was such an inspiration to so many people that I decided to become certified. Now, as a personal trainer and because of my personal success with the program I avidly use the Get On Track system in order to educate my clients on the components of nutrition coordinated with a recommended activity level in order for them to achieve optimum results. I use the log to measure and monitor my client’s food intake and exercise routine. If it wasn’t for this program I would not have been able to help impact my client’s lives by changing their behavior and creating a lifestyle that has now truly improved the quality of their lives.
Presently accredited as one of the top personal trainers in the country, I will attest to the fact that my success has been a resulting factor of the consistent use of the Get On Track log which has been a vital tool in growing my business beyond any of my expectations.

Bo I.

I had been an “average” personal trainer for years. By average, I mean I had a few clients some got results, some didn’t. It all depended on their level of motivation for that week and no matter what I said, I couldn’t get all of my clients achieving that higher level of fitness they all wanted all at the same time. In addition, I had a full schedule so I could only impart my knowledge to my clients when I was physically with them. After they were done with their appointment I had no way of monitoring them until their next appointment.
Then I discovered the “Get On Track” system for training my clients. It is easily the most cohesive program yet devised in the field of exercise and nutrition science.
The “Get On Track” system has helped me have a positive impact on my client’s lives. It has taken me from the “average” level of personal training and securely put me in the upper echelon in the field of exercise and nutrition science. Not to mention my financial gains since implementing the “Get On Track” system have nearly tripled! I am eternally grateful to the “Get On Track” system. Without it, none of what I have achieved in this aforementioned testimonial would have been possible.

Greg G.
ACE Certified Personal Trainer

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your time and assistance with respect to my recent nutrition/exercise plan. I hate to sound melodramatic, but you have truly changed my life. As you know, I turned forty a few months ago. For most people, turning forty is a traumatic experience. For me, it was an awakening.
Thanks to your help and guidance, I feel better at forty than I did at thirty. I am told that I look better at forty than I did at thirty. Most importantly, I have more energy, strength and vitality than I did a decade ago.
I am confident that I could not have done it without you. As you know, I have already expressed my gratitude by sending prospective clients to you. I will continue to do so. Keep up the good work!

Allan G.

I started seeing Dave through a classmate of mine who was in such great shape. Then I saw a “before” picture of him and was shocked at his transformation. I asked him how he got into such great shape and he told me about David’s website “Get on Track Fitness”. I was so impressed by all the people who David had transformed and knew then that I had to make an appointment with him. This was one of the best appointments I have ever made!
I thought I was relatively healthy at 5’7″ and 125 pounds, which was my normal weight for most of my adult life. I ate healthy, or so I thought, by being a vegetarian. I worked out daily for at least an hour and a half to two hours, a combination of cardio (mostly) and weight training. I could not understand why I was working out so hard and not seeing any gains. Right before I started seeing David, I was barely eating 1100 calories a day and GANING weight. I could not see any changes in my body from weight training, and I was struggling just to stay at 125.
Then I saw David, and what amazing changes took place in a relatively short period of time. I was shocked at my first visit that I had 42%. body fat. How could that be – I was a vegetarian working out two hours every day. Thankfully, David showed me the errors of my way not just with words or worthless information but results that SHOWED! He also switched my diet from vegetarian to chicken, salmon, fish, turkey (still no red meat – by my choice), and that’s when the body fat really started to come off drastically.
I am so happy with my appearance now and the amazing changes that have taken place in my body. With David’s guidance and support, I went from being (and I quote David here) a “skinny fat” to a healthy and lean 16% body fat at the age of 47. I am so thankful to David for showing me the right way to achieve the body I want, and look forward to a healthy and lean body forever! Thanks David!

Susan S.

I just wanted to thank you for changing my life. I struggled with weight loss for 28 years trying all kinds of diets and failed. Joined a local gym and even hired a personal trainer without success. You were recommended to me by another one of your clients. Since following your program I have lost body fat and weight and I no longer take any Cholesterol medication. My blood pressure medication has also been reduced. You are really #1 in your field and being a licensed Nursing Home Administrator and having on staff licensed nutritionist they don’t know nutrition like you.

Victor G.

TheĀ  Get on Track Fitness and Nutrition Log is a “must have” for me and my clients success! to be able to plan, structure and measure the progress of a personal training program in a methodical manner is invaluable … and that is why theĀ  Get On Track Log is the core of my program. The log, a teaching tool for me and a learning guide for my clients, is filled with user-friendly charts and logs that help to keep detailed notes of progress in all key areas of fitness. It keeps my clients motivated because I review their progress daily and weekly and they see it in black and white on paper … and they love it when they get stickers (Good Job!) from me appreciating their consistent efforts! In essence, anyone who is serious about getting fit or keeping fit in a safe and effective manner will benefit from this log. I have highly recommended it for over 9 months now and will continue to do so … it makes my Personal Training Program invaluable!

Soraya O.
Ace Certified Personal Trainer
Ace Certified Lifestyle & Weight Management

Health, nutrition and fitness is always changing and elevating to a higher level of education. The public’s knowledge of exercise is exploding daily and being a personal trainer is itself, an ongoing education. Being a part of the Get On Track personal training program has set myself and my clients to that higher level of exercise, fitness and custom nutritional education. The Get On Track manual has it all. This manual is the tool that provides everything I need to educate my client so they never have to guess at their food intake and exercise programs. It outlines nutritional education, illustrations of weight training exercises for free weights and machines, warming up, stretching, and cool down. All workout pages are illustrated and can help teach clients how to match food and exercise to produce optimum results. The Get On Track manual educates persons on the components of foods to help them understand how to use food to match their activity factors.
I challenge anyone to find a more precise and complete book than this. I’ve been in this industry for a long time and I truly rely on this manual exclusively for my clients use. I personally run one of the most successful personal trainer businesses in the United States and have built my success through my acquaintance with Get On Track Program.
If I can be of any help to anyone, I am in the Tampa Bay area. Please feel free to write or call anytime.

Jeffrey O.
I.F.P.A. Certified Personal Trainer

“Get on Track” Fitness and Nutrition
Office – Pompano Beach

Silver Thatch Atlantic Plaza
525 North Ocean Blvd #424
Pompano Beach, Florida 33062
Call Now: (954) 802-1923

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“Get on Track” Fitness and Nutrition Office – Miami Lakes

Royal Oaks Office Park
8105 NW 155th Street
Miami Lakes, Florida 33016
Call Now: (954) 802-1923